Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Lights, Camera, Action

FINALLY! Christmas has come and gone. “What?” you might be thinking to yourself. “Christmas is over and your glad?” Actually some of you may be agreeing with me. But hang on. I’m not rejoicing because the season is nearly over. I love Christmas time! I am just ecstatic to share a picture with you. Back in October I did a shoot for two of my best friends, their sister, and their brother-in-law. These pictures were a surprise for their mom and dad for Christmas. Since they were a surprise I had to exercise much patience in waiting to share this picture with you.

Two of our dear family friends, Noah and Jaris Zygmunt, were down the weekend of this shoot and Jaris, also into photography, asked if he could come and long and watch me “in action.” Eager to have a second-shooter I gladly welcome Jaris’ request. While we were shooting around Cleburne, Jaris captured this shot of me in action. I love this picture because it shows the passion that I have for photography. As a fairly new photog, I am dedicated to trying new locations, angles, and ideas to get awesome photos for my clients. In the process I sometimes experience some interesting positions and shooting locations. This picture, I believe, shows my dedication to you and your pictures. Check it out:
Thanks, Jaris, for snapping this photo. And thanks to the Mitchell/Ford gang for the awesome shoot! Here are a few more from their shoot…

Love this light!

Love this jump shot...hadn't figured out burst mode yet so Anthony's a little blurry but still love the picture
Thanks again, guys! I had a blast with you! God bless!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Generation of Youth for Christ

And last but not least, pictures from GYC. This weekend was so packed that I rarely found time for taking pictures but I did manage to try out the awesome new point and shoot my AMAZING BROTHER got me for graduation. Check out Minneapolis, Minnesota in December, folks:

Youth for Jesus friends: Olivia, Mary Jo, Katie, and Stephanie

Alyssa, Emily, Lorina, Mary Jo, and Me: Group Picture!

The inner girls

When we were trying to take off the weather was getting worse and worse. We barely made it out! Praise God we made it home!

Subs, Ornaments, and Gum

Please indulge me as I share a few more pics of my precious girls...

For Micky and Brenna's Christmas gift they chose a date with me to hand-pick their gift. Our first stop was Subway (their choice) where we devoured a delicious lunch. Hobby Lobby was our next destination. Kenzie loves crafts and found a wonderful color-by-number. Following a tradition my mother started with David and I when we were little, I let the girls each pick an ornament from me. Doing this yearly makes for some fun memories!

Brenna is not the hobby type and requested a Target stop. After being turned down at her selection of a pricey Barbie, she settled on a fluffy stuffed dog. She failed to mention to me she already owns two very similar at home. Oh well, she seems to love this one just as much as the previous two. Upon exiting Target, the girls reminded me of our fatal mistake. We had forgotten a gift for Princess Shaylee! At age 2, Shay would have had a hard time forgiving me for leaving her behind and then failing to bring the promised present. Lucky for her I needed to re-fuel my car and Tiger Mart Express was close by. Inside we found the magical band-aid bubble gum specially designed for two-year-olds. After purchasing this and a pack of gum for Micky and Brenna we loaded ourselves back into the car and headed to the Sorke house to meet Kim.

The gum sure did the trick. Shaylee was quite proud to run in the house and show of her new treasure. The following day when I was on the phone with Kim my ears were met with the sound of Shaylee talking to her sisters about HER gum. By the end of that day, the entire pack had been consumed by our beautiful queen. The beauty of 2. Wouldn't you love to be satisfied by a pack of gum for Christmas?


The next pictures I’ll share with you are from my highschool graduation. The evening turned out wonderful and I wanted to share a couple of photos from our exciting night. Thanks so much for taking pictures, Jaris!

The reception "hall"- the deocrations turned out gorgeous

My table

Me and my piano teacher, Mrs. Sutton. She was our musician for the night and did an excellent job

Is this really happening to me? Where has the time gone?

Introudicing our fabulous speaker, Dr. Darrell Bowyer

Our class performance "Wherever You Are"

"You've just graduate!"

Changing of the tassle and presentation of the diploma

Me and my fam

Class of 2007.9

Alyssa, Lorina, Emily, Leticia, and Mary Jo: I love you guys!!

James Chiropractic Clinic

Life has been BUSY. I am no longer a high school student as I graduated a week ago this past Sunday. I have just returned from an incredible conference, the Generation of Youth for Christ (GYC). Now, it’s life as usual (if there is such a thing). My family and I are spending Christmas together at home and are doing a few things with friends here and there. Other than that I am getting this mission trip thing rolling, picking up where I left off with photography, and waiting for the new school year to begin Bible studies. Since I’ve been so busy I’ve not found time to post any blogs. Graduation was crazy! But now that I have a little time I wanted to post lots of new pics. Some from shoots I’ve done, others from my personal life.

First off, the James Chiropractic Clinic. Denny and Susan James are the parents of one of my best friends, M.J. Dr. James operates a chiropractic office in Ft. Worth and needed pictures taken of the office staff. Although I warned them that I am completely inadequate when it comes to indoor photography and large posed groups they insisted that I try. The results were better than I had hoped for. While they are not professional, I believe we got some nice shots. Ladies and Gentlemen, James Chiropractic Clinic at its finest…

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Saga Continues

I've been sitting here trying to think of something beautiful and creative to write. Fact of the matter is I am just so busy and rather brain dead at the moment. Graduation plans are finally coming together, Christmas orders are almost all delievered, one test left to finish high school, and Christmas decorations are finally going up. Life is great, but super busy.

Since I don't like pictureless posts I decided to post a one of my nature pictures. This one won a spot in a calendar contest for 2008. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

David the Handsome

Man, sure hope I’ve to some of this blood in me! Talk about an all-around great guy! My brother, David, is not only good looking but is one of the most awesome people in the world. He’s hard-working, fun, sensitive, and a polite. I gotta admit I love this guy.

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Alright, I realize you’re probably getting tired of seeing these cuties over and over again… wait how could you? Kenzie, Brenna, and Shay came over Tuesday afternoon for some Christmas cookie fun. We hadn’t seen them in close to three weeks! It was so much fun to squeeze on them again. The tasty treats that resulted from this visit weren’t to bad either. These pictures show “my girls” true personalities:

Miss Karen is a great entertainer

Me and my snuggle bug, Brenna

Sweet "baby" Shay

This is SO Brenna

Snuggled in the girls new down-comforters

Love this pic

Texas Sky

Monday, December 3, 2007

A few more fun shots...

I am so busy right now. Graduation is only a two weeks away and Christmas follows close behind. As a result, I don't have any time to write my usual long blog entries, but couldn't wait to share these adorable pictures with you. These are from the beginning of November. Kenzie, Brenna, and Shay came over to play and I snapped these precious pics.

Shay's Kitty Boots

Kitty Kisses