Sunday, September 30, 2007

Olivia Senior Pictures

Thursday afternoon, the tables turned. This time I was in front of the camera, rather than behind it. Mom is just starting my portfolio, as it is still too hot outside to do most of the shots she’s planned. So, here are a few of my favorites from her shoot. Isn’t she great?

Backyard Fun

On Tuesdays I babysit Ally and Abby. I try to take pictures as often as possible because they are too cute. Sometimes our days are too wild crazy busy, but this past Tuesday I was able to catch some adorable shots of them in their backyard. Take a look:

Mary Jo Senior Pictures

“ Less than three months! Can you believe it?” I asked her as I snapped away. Mary Jo is one of the five girls graduating with me in December. Although we’ve known each other literally or entire lives, we have been inseparable, best friends for the past four years. Two weeks ago tomorrow, I had the privilege of shooting M.J.’s senior pics. She is absolutely gorgeous (and, no, I’m not biased) and the pictures turned out great! Here a few of my favorites:

I'm back!

I finally figure out how to watermark images for my blog! Yay! I deleted all my previous entries because I couldn’t figure out how to watermark the pictures. But now I’m back! So, kind of boring right now since I’m starting from scratch, but I have several October shoots coming up that I will be blogging.

To get some pics on here though, I’ll post some people I’ve shot over the last two weeks.