Friday, April 11, 2008

Preston is ONE!

Preston is one of the Stewart clan. Talk about a photogenic baby! He is just super content and doesn't mind "posing." I tried to eliminate enough of this series to include them in the family post but his expressions were just too funny. And these are just a few of the great ones we got! Amy picked up a little birthday cake and Mr. Preston had his first sugar experience in front of my camera. It was quite comical. He was all into tearing that thing apart but had no interest in eating it. In fact, when he did try it he discovered that, like his big sister, he is not a big fan of sweets. What a blessing! Anyways, Preston meets Sugar:

The destruction begins...

It's amazing how much cake fits in one little hand

As I said, Preston is NOT a fan of sugar

I can't wait to show you the rest, Greg and Amy! They are so much fun!

1 comment:

Sam said...

All of these are great captures! They really capture the emotion..
Very nice :)